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The Eye of the Brainstorm

Hello and welcome back! I'm glad you stopped by. Today we'll be talking about my least favorite things; book plotting/brainstorming. *Shriek*.

As some of you may know, I finished my second book in March. You know, that month that lasted ten thousand years, when we all had WAY too much time on our hands and the world ran out of toilet paper? Sigh. The good ol' days....Anyway, that was a couple of months back and I haven't written a thing. And now, it's time to jump back into it.

And so I find myself living for days in the eye of the brainstorm. My mind is a constant swirl of thinking about the next possible story and what I would do with it.

I have an idea. I love the idea. I nurture the idea. The idea develops and gets scary and not what I thought it would be at all and suddenly I'm spiraling out of control. And before I know it, I'm lost in the brainstorm, clinging desperately to the idea...

Wow, that...that got deep my friend. I mean, that got out of control for a second there. Don't let me have any more metaphors today, I obviously can't handle it.

Anyway, I'm not saying I'm stuck, but I'm definitely still thinking about my next project. Here's what I can say for certain:

  • It's going to stay in the same world, so if you got a free puppy and you actually read it, let me know if you are into that futuristic 1920s. (Also, I added a nice little comment box down there at the bottom of the page. Check it out.)

  • It's also going to have one carry-over character from my second book, you haven't met this character yet. But you'll love him.

  • And lastly, this one is going to be a touch less dark, because I'm tired of brooding all the time. It's exhausting.

Apart from that, it's a blank slate.

On a non-book related note, we are going through overnight potty training right now, and let me to you, it's a blast. It's funny how well it's been going, seeing as the whole thing started as a sort of last stand between my daughter and I.

See, Addie was upset because she was going to bed early. She doesn't want to go to bed early because she'll miss out on all the fun things that she would have gotten to do in those last 30 minutes, like climb on the dog, and call my name repeatedly for no reason. So, you can see why she was upset.

Needless to say, she did what any self-respecting 4 year old would do; she looked me dead in the eye and peed her diaper. It was spite pee. SPEE.

And that was it. I decided that if she was going to abuse the power of the diaper, she wasn't going to have the diaper.

But it's all good now.

Lastly, I owe you guys an update on my publishing journey. I finished my proposal. And I sent it to an agent. It's very exciting. And now we wait. And we don't get our hopes up too much because honestly, I feel like it's an accomplishment that I got this far.

More to come on that next week maybe?

Anyway, no writing excerpt this week. Gotta save some for the book, right?

Good night, sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.

P.s. I'm afraid to actually sign off with that as my goodbye incase anybody doesn't get the reference and you actually think I'm threatening you. Go look it up. good night for real now.

p.s.s. I used the word "Anyways" like 4 times in this post. I'll have to work on that. but I'm too lazy to change it now. Anyways, goodnight...dang it.


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