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And now it's time for silly blogs with Sarah

The part of the show where Sarah comes out and posts a silly blog.

HELLO MY FRIENDS! Thank you for stopping by! Before we get started, I wanted to take a moment to share with you a picture of my puppy (Pay not attention to the pile of laundry behind her).

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, lets get to today's topic: SARAH'S UNPOPULAR OPINIONS.

Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that you can never really know someone until you know at least a few of their unpopular opinions. I mean, suppose you met someone and you fall head over heels in love. You get married and have 2.76 kids. Every morning they wake you up with a warm cup of coffee and you always put an extra strip of bacon next to their eggs. They leave the toilet seat up and you usually forget to replace the trash bag, but in the grand scheme of things, the two of you are happy. And then one day, you're talking over lunch and BLAMMO!

"I never really liked Harry Potter that much....I just think it's over rated."

And just like that, 45 years of marriage is flushed down the drain! YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW THEM! You thought they loved you. But how much do you really love someone if you've never even talked about your Hogwarts house? (Hufflepuff, by the way. Write it down.)

If only you'd asked them 45 years ago...

So, in the interest of strengthening our relationship, I'd like to share with you some of my unpopular opinions.

  1. Pumpkin Spice is a lie and it's not even good. Pumpkin spice tastes nothing like pumpkin and neither do any other pumpkin flavored things. What you really like is sugar and cinnamon. But you can't drink candy for breakfast- so pumpkin spice it is.

  2. Any movie that came out after you turned 10 is not a Christmas Classic. That's right, lunatics, if you were born before 1993, ELF IS NOT A CHRISTMAS CLASSIC. It can be a movie you watch during the winter. You can even think it's great. But you don't get to snuggle up for a Christmas movie and pick ELF over It's a Wonderful Life or Rudolph. That's just not right. Honestly people. Standards.

  3. You aren't a real Star Wars fan if you don't love and appreciate ALL the star wars movies. You can have critiques, but at the end of the day, the films are what they are. Take it or leave it. Loving only episode 5 (Han Solo *swoon*) doesn't make you a fan, it makes you a human. Cuz only a monster wouldn't like episode 5.

  4. Food is food. Stop making weird rules about what foods can be eaten at what time of day. Why are hotdogs a lunch and dinner thing, but sausages are only breakfast?! It makes NO SENSE people.

  5. While we are on the subject of food. Baloney has gotten a bad rep for no reason. It's like one day, 15 years ago, the whole world got together and decided to shun baloney. And I like Baloney. It's yummy. It takes like hot dogs and makes me feel like a child again. It never did anything to anyone. Leave Baloney alone!

  6. Fruit and Dessert don't belong together, so stop putting strawberries in my cake! I shouldn't have to wonder if my cookie has chocolate chips or raisins in it! It's a cookie! Lemme eat my desert without fear! Same goes for candy. Nothing in the world is worse than biting into what I thought was chocolate covered cookie dough and then to find out that it's some sort of chocolate covered blue berry. PLECKY.

  7. I don't like books with dirty scenes in them. I just don't. And it's got nothing to do with my faith or my beliefs on marriage. I just don't like it. I feel like I'm invading a super personal and super private moment between the characters. Let's give them the room, people.

  8. Lastly, I hate ALL aquatic activities that require me to use a paddle. I'm looking at you, Kayak. There is no natural scenery beautiful enough to make up for the searing pain in my arms and the blisters on my thumbs. I will never change my mind. And I will cut you if you try to make me do it.

These aren't all my unpopular opinions, but I think it's enough to get us started.

Also, this week I found a leaf bug.

On the topic of my writing, I've finished brainstorming for my third book in the Empire City Series (Our series with Charlie and Everett). I've got it all plotted out and ready to go...once I sell the first two books. I'm not giving up on it. Not by a long shot, but i'm working on another idea right now. More to come on that.

If you've gotten this far, shoot me a comment with one of your unpopular opinions in the comment section below or on facebook! I'm really curious to know!

Thanks friends! Have a great night. May the force be with you.


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